A Look Inside the Mind of Adam Simons


Wanderer: ‘I am proud of the music I’ve made thus far. It’s all a journey’

Adam Simons aka Wanderer talks us through the sounds and stories that went into the making of his new single “Miss You More At Night,” his other upcoming projects and more.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a musician from Tempe, Arizona. I’m 26 years old, I play guitar and sing and write songs! 

How would you describe your music to a potential fan? 

I’d say it’s a mix of indie/pop with elements of 80s music and R&B. 

What is “Miss You More at Night” about – tell us more about the subject/background, the writing, the video, and the song?

The song is really about a feeling, and tells a story of a relationship that was cut short. The feeling of thinking about someone late at night and the experiences you had with them all being encapsulated within the nights you spent together. The song itself was one I wrote before a trip to Nashville, and recorded it with some friends there.

In your own words, can you describe the mood and style of “Miss You More At Night”?

Nostalgic yet upbeat with a groove! [ Smiles. ]

How does your musical style reflect your personality?

I think they go hand in hand. The mellow vibes along with the louder and more uptempo songs represent different sides of myself I’d say. [ Smiles. ]

In general, how do you go about putting a song together, from songwriting to composition to production?

Each time it’s always a little different. But for this song I started with the music and the guitar part, and then wrote melodies and lyrics on top.

Were there particular songs, or even lines, which stick in your mind because of their lyrics?

There are tons. As a musician I think lyrics are probably the most important part of a song along with the melody.

Are you the type who easily gets affected emotionally by the music? Can you identify particular moments when this happened? And did these moments reflect or coincide with intensity in the lyrics?

Definitely. Certain songs that remind you of someone or take you back to a time in the past always have a strong emotional pull. I think music would be boring if it didn’t stir up some emotion. That’s what it’s all about – conveying a feeling through a song.

Which artist within your genre do you enjoy listening to the most? [And] Who else do you listen to?

I listen to a ton of different stuff. Bands like LANY, The 1975, The Night Game, and The Neighbourhood are all big for me at the moment.

Take us back… how did you achieve this promising career?

It’s hard to answer that! [ Smiles. ] I’ve been playing music and been part of bands for over 10 years. It’s taken time and a ton of work to get here, and I still feel like I haven’t really started yet! 


You work so hard… Personally, what other attributes are most important to become successful?

That’s the big one I think. Persistence, creativity, and an obsession with your craft. [ Smiles. ]

Other than the ocean and the outdoors, what places or activities make you feel the most grounded in who you are today?

I love to write at home in my studio, and when traveling too. There’s something about being somewhere unfamiliar that centers you a little. 

Can you share us five new random facts about you that your fans (old and new) might be interested to find out about you.

1. I’m left handed.

2. I love photography and once considered doing it as a career.

3. My favorite food is sushi.

4. I taught myself guitar and how to play music.

5. I’ve played soccer all my life.

What will the rest of the 2018 be about for you? Is there a significant goal do you intend to accomplish this year?

There’s a lot in the works! Definitely more music on the way, as well as some shows and touring. I’d love to release another album/EP and get my music to a lot more people. 

What else are you working on right now? Any upcoming tour dates to share?

I have some festival shows and dates in the US. Working on coming back to the Philippines though as soon as I can! [ Smiles. ] 

Right here, right now — what are you proudest of?

Hhmmm… I think that I can make a living playing music. But it’s not really proud, it’s more that I’m grateful for it! Not everyone gets to do what they love every day. [ Smiles. ] 


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