Adam Simons Goes Solo and Bares His Soul

Debuts First Single “Only in the Night”

Vocalist and songwriter Adam Simons best known for his work in RadioDriveBy exemplifies nerves and excitement gearing up the chance to share his months of work with the public.  W A N D E R E R, his solo project may seem to some like the artist’s chance to break through the barrier of humbling success he’s received in his past projects, but to Simons, this is much more than that. It’s the perfect opportunity to express and to prove himself through a new outlet alone, to display his growth and evolution as a songwriter, to reveal a big range of emotions through his craft and, hopefully, become a force to be reckoned with in the world of pop music. [ But ] right now,  if one thing is certain, however, it’s this: Adam Simons’ W A N D E R E R will be the gateway to obtain that status.

The passionate singer recently spoke with Jayson Paor about his solo project, the release of his new single “Only in the Night,” his writing process and how it’s felt to be back in the swing of things, personally and musically.

Inside the Wandering Mind of Adam Simons

Adam Simons - MNL Online News Exclusive Interview

Really excited about your new single! What would you say it sounds like in your own words?

It has elements of R&B, indie rock, and pop all mixed together. “Dark Pop.”

For the perennial question: why W A N D E R E R? How did you come up with the
W A N D E R E R” persona?

For a while I toyed with the idea of creating a name to have the project under. W A N D E R E R just felt right to me. I think everyone — especially people my age have this feeling like we’re not sure where we’re headed, don’t know what we want to do, yet we’re in the adult world already. I think it can speak to that a bit, maybe not so much with this song, but with others that will be coming out.

So this is your first solo project. But really, what is “Only in the Night” about – can you tell more about the subject/background, the writing, the video, and the song?

The song took shape about a year ago, and went through several versions before the final one you hear. I wanted the first thing people heard to be the best I could do, so I took my time with it.

As for what it’s about— I think the lyrics give you a lot of hints, but it’s mysterious for a reason. “Only in the Night” is about the times when you feel alive, on top of the world, and undoubtedly are getting yourself into trouble. It’s the good that comes with being bad.

What are your expectations for this solo project? Is this something you want to pursue further? And are you expecting a “Go All Night”-sized juggernaut, possibly more?

I take music seriously. It’s all I do. This project has been in the works for a long time, and has only been live for about three weeks now. There’s so much coming and so much that I have in my head. I hope people will catch on of course. I definitely want to exceed everything I’ve ever done musically… and I plan to.

What makes your solo project different than what that you’ve been doing with RadioDriveBy? And what is different about writing and recording on your own versus working with your previous bands before?

W A N D E R E R is 100% my vision, my sound, my writing. It’s a great feeling to be doing exactly what you want to. Of course it takes more work to do things yourself, but it also has it’s advantages. I’m a perfectionist with everything. I obsess over the smallest details, and thats ok because I’m the one in charge. It’s thrilling.

I understand that for a man whose passion is making music, you want to make a change for the better, but what is your ultimate direction for yourself?

I definitely want to have a musical career on a bigger scale. Tour constantly, put out records, make an impact with what I create. Aside from success like that, the ultimate goal is really just to make something that gravitates with people. I’d love for my music to be the soundtrack to someone’s life. A night out, a vacation, taking a drive alone at 1am. There’s so much music that has narrated parts of my life, and helped me grow. It would be incredible to do that for anybody.

Adam Simons - MNL Online News

What do you hope people take away from your music and from your shows and performances?

Right now I just want to get their attention. I intentionally made this first release mysterious.

W A N D E R E R will evolve with time, and unfold into something new. I hope people will listen to the song and want to hear more.

What places or activities make you feel the most grounded in who you are today?

I love the ocean, the outdoors, quiet places. I like to read, and write, and sit with a cup of coffee. The simple things help me be grounded. Getting away from technology…

Can you give me three random facts about you that your new fans might be interested to discover about you.

I’m left handed. I like One Direction. I drink at least three cups of coffee a day.

What thrilling, extraordinary (non-everyday) experiences do you value most in life?

That’s a tough one. For me performing live is one of the best feelings. Travel. Writing music. Time with a close friend.

What will the rest of the 2016 be about for you? Is there a significant goal do you intend to accomplish this year?

To that I simply have to say – Stay tuned.

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Right here, right now — what are you proudest of?

I have so much left to do I can’t even think about that really! I think once I’m older I can look back and answer that better. But I am proud of the music I’ve made thus far. It’s all a journey. [ Smiles. ]

Finally, where else can people find you, follow online and keep up with where you are going?

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Thank you MNL Online News! [ Smiles. ]

Adam Simons - MNL Online Exclusive Interview

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