‘American Idol’ Nick Fradiani Shares His Passion and Recipe for Success

‘I’d like to leave a legacy of great music that really brings happiness to people’

Quite a lot has happened to American Idol season 14 winner Nick Fradiani.

In this MNL Online News exclusive, Jayson Paor sits down with singer-songwriter Nick Fradiani to discuss his album Hurricane.

“I think many people were surprised at the direction of Hurricane. I did a decent amount of classic rock on the show, and also never used my falsetto that often,” he revealed. “In this album, I use my falsetto a ton, and the genre is straight up pop. There are some great singer-songwriter moments in there, but I think the album is quite eclectic in terms of genre.”

It sounds like it’s worth the wait. “It was a long time coming! So happy it’s finally out!”

One thing you might not know about the endearing idol,  “I love to be outside. Whether its going on runs, or hanging on the beach.” Take note, fans!

Congratulations again, Nick. Hurricane has finally arrived! You must be over the moon by the excitement. Tell us more about it, including your collaboration with Jason Mraz.
Thanks! To write with Jason Mraz was a dream come true. I had been playing his music since for years so it was pretty surreal to write a song with him.

Any composing rules you followed?
No rules. Best melodies and lyrics win! [Smiles.]

In terms of songwriting, where do you draw your inspiration for songs from – is it personal? What’s your stance on writing songs about your personal life?
I don’t really think about it much to be honest. Wherever inspiration comes is what I write about. Whatever I am feeling that day that we are writing, or whatever the vibe of the music is making me feel is where the inspiration comes from.

Lately, what have you learned about yourself? Has it been a discovery or a rediscovery process at all?
I always knew I loved music, but I think this process made me even find more love in music. It’s what I love to do.  Whether I am playing for 10,000 people or 5, I just love it. Sometimes this business can make you jaded, but throughout everything I’ve gone through the last two years, I somehow am enjoying playing and making music even more.

For a true artist whose passion is making music, I feel you want to make a change for the better, but on a larger scale – what is your ultimate direction for yourself?
The ultimate goal is to continue making music that makes people feel something. As a songwriter, I want to do this for the rest of my life. Songwriting never has to end.

What do you hope people take away from your music and from your shows and performances? 
I hope that people feel as if they want to listen to that song again, or see another performance again. I always hope that people leave wanting more (in a good way.) Leave them wanting to see another concert again, or buy another album at some point. [Smiles.]

[fvplayer src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJiehEOiXzY”]

Right now, what thrilling, extraordinary (non-everyday) experiences do you value most in life?
I value the fans that have stuck by me for so long. They were amazing during my run on American Idol, and they continue to be amazing during the release of Hurricane. [Smiles.]

Reflecting, how did your musical and artistic vision change after winning American Idol last year?
I think many people were surprised at the direction of Hurricane. I did a decent amount of classic rock on the show, and also never used my falsetto that often.

[fvplayer src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn_Ogge0dOk”]

If you were to look back four years ago when you released Something to Believe in, you probably couldn’t have predicted the level of success you are having today. But can you look down the road on those early years and give us your predictions for the state of music today, including the ‘future’. 
Wow that feels so long ago. I remember being so excited to share that music to people just like I am today to share Hurricane with everyone. I had no clue what the state of music would have been today. Music is always changing.

How has your definition of success changed over the course of your highs and lows in the music industry? 
I am a very competitive person. I always set my goals extremely high. I still feel like my music career will reach the level that I am still dreaming of. But still, just being able to release Hurricane felt very validating.

… [And] Is there a level that you feel that if you get to, then you’ll be satisfied? 
Not sure. Hopefuly I’ll  let you know what I get there! [Laughs.]

Can you give me five random facts about you that your new fans might be interested to know about you?
1. Great at knowing all the lyrics to random rap songs.
2. I love sushi.
3. I have an awesome dog named Jeter.
4. I’m addicted to coffee.
5. I listen to Howard Stern on Sirius every morning.

When not working, how do you pamper yourself? What’s your idea of fun?
I love to be outside. Whether its going on runs, or hanging on the beach. I also love to get my haircut every few weeks.

Your fans want to know, what do you sing in the shower?
[Laughs.] I do sing in the shower. It always changes. Whatever has been stuck in my head!

Any plans of doing shows in Asia, particularly in Manila anytime soon?
I am working with my agent to get to all of those places, so I REALLY HOPE SO.  The support in those places has been incredible! [Smiles.]

What recommendations would you make for those of us who are trying to maintain a balance between work, family, writing and performing, and personal time? 
Time management. I’m not the best at it. If you really look at your day, you can try your best to manage it so you get everything done that is important to you.

Finally, when it’s all said and done, what kind of legacy would you like to leave?
I’d like to leave a legacy of great music that really brings happiness to people. [Smiles.]

To learn more about Nick Fradiani, visit his website nickfradiani.com and follow him on Twitter @nickfradiani for more updates.

Listen to songs from the album Hurricane, including “Every Day,” “Nothing to Lose,” “In the Long Run,” and many more, now available on iTunes.

[fvplayer src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYY0QpZQMWk”]

Don’t forget to share your favorite song from Nick Fradiani’s Hurricane album below.

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