Exclusive Interview: The Reinvention of Cher Lloyd

‘I hope that people relate to my music and when they watch me perform they can see strength’

It’s been two long, empty years since British-born and internationally acclaimed pop songstress Cher Lloyd’s last album, but life’s at last worth living again now that she’s back with her sensational new track “Activated.” And yes, Cher is all fired up to take over the reigns with the upcoming release of her third album.

Described as “fierce” and “revved-up” by Rolling Stone Magazine, Cher’s new single “Activated” has more than one million views on YouTube since its debut one month ago.

“I’ve waited two years to have creative control of my own career and finally do things my way,” sassy Cher remarked. “Returning with new music and releasing ‘Activated’ is such a huge deal for me. I’ve been working hard on new music and I cannot wait to reveal more to you all!”

She added, “Now I’m ready to roll my sleeves up and show you all what I’m really made of, and to all of you who have stood by me since the start of my career, I promise you, this is just the beginning.”

Thank you for doing this, Cher! First, I feel it would be awesome to start this interview by asking you, to reflect on the three very special people that you feel have shaped you and made an impact on your life.

My grandparents and parents. I’ve learned so much from them. Being taught the rights and wrongs has made me the person I am today!

Congratulations on the release of “Activated”. It’s addicting! You must be over the moon by the reception.

My fans amaze me! The reaction has been incredible! I’m so happy! [Smiles.]

“Activated” is now available worldwide on all digital platforms. Get “Activated” on iTunesApple MusicSpotify, and Deezer. Listen to the song below.

[fvplayer src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjl4nQw3pTg”]

Do you want to tease us what’s coming on album No. 3? Is there a song there that you especially connect to?

This album has been incredible to write! I’ve poured everything into it. This is the most connected I have been to the music in my whole career! [Smiles.]

In terms of songwriting, where do you draw your inspiration from? What’s your stance on writing songs about your personal life?

I tend to draw from personal experiences, and other peoples. I love writing about my experiences, especially when people say that they have been through the same thing!

Is there a song you are most proud of at this point?

“Activated”! Every bit of me is in this song, and you can hear it! 

If you were to look back five years ago (X Factor), you probably couldn’t have predicted the level of success you are having today. But can you look down the road on those early years?

I’ve had the most incredible experience so far! I’m constantly learning more and more about the industry, and I can’t wait to find out more! 

What have you learned about yourself, musically and artistically – has it been a discovery or a rediscovery process?

I would say a bit of both. Sometimes you have to step back and look at it from a distance. That’s why it’s taken me this long to write the third record. The number 1 thing for me is loving the music, you have to love it! [Smiles.]


What was your favorite memory growing up?

I have many! The time spent with my family! 

Are there any places or activities that make you feel the most grounded in who you are today?

I surround myself with good people. It’s important! 

What’s your idea of fun – travel and vacation, shopping, reading books, getting a tattoo, “home” and ME time?

I don’t tend to go on vacations. I don’t like to sit still! My idea of fun is going on tour! I want to see as many of my fans as possible! I hope I get to see them soon. I don’t need me time, I’m with me all the time! 

What recommendations would you make for those of us who are trying to maintain a balance between work, family, writing and performing, and personal time?

My career is my life, I live and breathe it. There is no separation. But family is so important to me and you just make it work! [Smiles.]

Finally, what do you hope people take away from your music and from your shows and performances?

I hope that people relate to my music, and when they watch me perform they can see strength!

What do you think of Cher Lloyd’s comeback? Are you excited on the release of her new album? Let us know in the comments!

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