Paolo Paraiso ‘Couldn’t Be Prouder’ of We Will Not Die Tonight


Fast, intense and exhilarating

There aren’t many local movies more highly anticipated than We Will Not Die Tonight, an intense and action-packed film that pays homage to Walter Hill’s The Warriors, written and directed by Richard Somes. The film features Erich Gonzales as the main lead, along with Paolo Paraiso, Max Eigenmann, Sarah Abad, Thou Reyes, Jeffrey Tam and Alex Medina.

For actor Paolo Paraiso, he couldn’t be prouder of his involvement in the movie. “I’m very proud because we put in a lot of hard work behind this film. We became a family during and after this shoot. Not to mention that it’s my first time to play the big bag in a movie.”

MNL Online News caught up with Paolo Paraiso to find out why this movie fills his heart with love and gratitude.

We Will Not Die Tonight is touted as one of the best action films in 2018. How do you feel?

I’m happy and proud. We did all our stunts and fight sequences ourselves. I even helped out in developing some action sequences. And for the film to be shown at the New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF) just recently… it really fills my heart. And to see and read awesome reviews on it makes it even better! [Smiles.]

For this movie, how would you describe your acting style?

I totally trusted direk Richard with Bangkil. We spoke about how we should humanize this “big bad”. He isn’t pure evil. We have to justify his actions. We didn’t want to portray a comic book villain.

Would you say, your role as Bangkil, is the hardest role you’ve ever played, and probably the most fun as well? 

It was challenging yet easy. I used some parts of my personality with Bangkil. The physical stunts came naturally because I’m a proficient fighter due to my training in Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu. It was fun because it’s my first to play the BIG BAD in a movie.


Bangkil is similar to myself. To what degree? I can’t say. You have to see it”

How did you prepare for your role as Bangkil?

Mentally, I prepared myself by putting myself in Bangkil’s shoes. It wasn’t that hard. Direk Richard and I plotted Bangkil’s personality almost near to mine. So I could probably be Bangkil if I were put in his situation. I’m joking… maybe. [Laughs.]

What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?

Physically, I trained more than I usually did get that ripped and tough look of a syndicate boss that was also a killing machine. I did weight training, Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu. Then studied basic knife fighting so I had credibility in the stunts, and for my co-actors to be safe as well.


What do you love and hate about his character? To what extent is his character like you?

I love how tough he is and yet compassionate about his family and his crew. When you see the movie you’ll see that. [Smiles.] I hate that he treats everything like a business. That life doesn’t matter to him.

Bangkil is similar to myself. To what degree I can’t say, I will have to kill you. [Laughs.]

Without giving anything away, what’s your favorite line of dialogue and/or stunt in the film?

“Negosyo lang ‘yan. Tinutulungan pa nga natin ‘yung DSWD sa ginagawa natin eh.”


Any fun and memorable memories on the set?

The kulitan before and after takes. The fight scenes. Iba ang bond ng actors after a fight scene. [Smiles.]

If you could play any other character in this movie, who would it be? Why?

I wouldnt trade places with anyone in this film. But if I really had to… probably Max Eigenmann’s character CHE. That character was tough. You’ll know why after you’ve seen the film.

Now looking back, have you progressed in your acting career as you have expected?

Yes, I’m learning to do different types of “bad guys”.

What is something that you know now that you wish you knew when you were first starting out as an actor? 

That acting is a lifetime process. [Smiles.]

Prepare for bloodshed! We Will Not Die Tonight opens in cinemas nationwide on August 15-21, 2018.

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