Speaking with Zac Barnett of American Authors

Zac Barnett

‘We want to be a career band that is known for their entire discography and not just a handful of singles here and there’

Self-described “laid-back dudes,” Brooklyn-based American Authors composed of Zac Barnett on vocals, James Adam Shelley on guitar/banjo, Dave Rublin on bass and Matt Sanchez on drums express an emotional and propel mix of summery indie pop and precise crafted, commercial modern rock sound — that have established them as the music biz’s latest stars.

“We express our experiences as a shared unit, through music and an agreement of sound. We accept struggle and are passionate about the lives we lead. We create the music that comes naturally to us and we’re not afraid of change. We have all made changes for better and for worse and we are thrilled with the present,” Barnett remarked. “Everything that we write reflects moments of our lives and different experiences we have had. We tell the stories that we live every day.”

Since the worldwide success of “Best Day of My Life,” Zac and company have been the mainstays of dozens of American and UK festivals, even headlining their own shows. But despite a never-ending world-tour schedule, Zac who has all the positive vibes of someone who’s riding the biggest break of his life seemed far from tired when MNL Online Jayson Paor spoke with him. Rather, he found him in a superb mood, enjoying success to the max…

Again, congratulations on the phenomenal success of “Best Day of My Life.” You guys must be over the moon by the reception. But, of course, this is only the beginning. You re-released “Believer” as the new single. So, how do you feel?
We feel great! [Smiles.] Thank you! We had a blast out on tour with OneRepublic and The Script and are squeezing in festivals around the world too. It’s been so much fun traveling around and making new adventures every day and were just overall excited that our music has allowed us to do it all.

Tell us more about the song “Believer.”
This was one of those songs that took very little time to write. Our producers were giving us sh*t saying “You guys only write sad songs, how come you never play anything happy!” So, I picked up a guitar, started playing the chorus melody and said “There. Here’s a happy song!” We all thought it was cool and instantly vibed on it and finished it out that day.

The song is a great upbeat song that still has depth with the lyrics. There’s a lot of darker imagery in the verses that people may miss on first listen. We also had a really good time recording and producing this track. We wanted to add elements from all different styles of music we listen to from modern synth bass to queen like harmonies on the second verse, gang vocals, big drums… all fun things we love about music.

Tell us more about Oh, What A Life? What are your personal favorite tracks in the album?
Oh, What A Life reflects everything that we’ve been through from the low times and the struggles of pursuing our dreams to all the amazing shows and performances we have been fortunate enough to experience. Some of our favorite songs are “Trouble,” “Luck,” “Think About It,” and the title track, “Oh, What A Life.”

Can you tell the difference between good and bad music?
It’s a bit tough to determine what’s good and bad in the world of art. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that’s what makes it great. With that being said there’s plenty of music I don’t like listening to and there are albums I’ve cherished my entire life so I have definitely have strong opinions on what I find good and bad.

If you were to look back seven years ago, you probably couldn’t have predicted the level of success you’re having today but can you recall your journey and give us your predictions for American Authors, the state of music today, and the music industry as a whole?
You can’t predict the future but I think the four of us never had any doubt that our band would make it. We worked our asses off releasing music ourselves and setting up DIY tours and struggling as starving
artists so to finally be able to make a living off music is really a dream come true. As far as the industry as a whole, I think it’s definitely heading in the right direction. Audiences are starting to embrace more eclectic styles of artists and music and with the popularity of streaming services, we can only hope they figure out a better way to pay artists sooner. I don’t know if I would have predicted any of this seven years also when I was just starting college but it’s pretty interesting to see
it all unfold.

What have you learned about yourself and your band lately? Has it been a discovery or a rediscovery process at all?
Wow! We are always discovering new things about each other. It’s pretty amazing getting to share every day with your best friends and be fortunate enough to create art with them. We seriously know everything about each other! We know each person’s sleeping habits, eating, and even bathroom schedules! [Laughs.]

How has your definition of success changed over the course of your “highs and lows” in the music industry?
We still feel like the same group of guys coming up together in a tiny Brooklyn apartment. We do feel blessed that we are able to share our music with more and more people and we are very thankful for our amazing team from our label, island, to our management and everyone else! The success that’s coming right now really is a dream come true and we could not be happier!

What’s the magic formula for success?
I think everyone is still out there searching for what exactly that magic formula is! Hardwork, dedication, determination, and never being afraid to try new things is a start though. [Smiles.]

What recommendations would you make for those of us who are trying to maintain a balance between work, family, writing and performing, and personal time?
Make sure you’re having fun. Life’s too short to be busy with things that don’t make you happy. We all make sacrifices, especially when it comes to pursuing life passions and hopefully we can all be fortunate enough to be surrounded by loving people that support us. The support of my friends and family really helped me get through difficult decisions and big life moves I made to go after my dreams.

American Authors Press Photo Feb 2014

Looking back on your career, are there two or three individuals who have impacted your life? Why?
My mom has had the biggest impact on my life for sure. It was just me and her growing up in a house together and we really are best friends. She’s always supported me with everything I wanted to do, even if maybe it wasn’t the ultimate best decision at the time. My dad was great too. He built my first guitar and taught me not only about music and how to play but also about staying young at heart.

If you were given the chance to make a huge change in the world of today, what would it be?
This world needs a lot of huge changes right now. It’s not huge but it’s nice to see my music getting out there and helping people.

Can you share some stories on how your music has touched and inspired people?
We have received messages saying how our songs have gotten people through difficult times or how people use our music for their weddings and we are always a bit taken a back. It’s really cool to hear those stories and know that our music is helping people in their day lives.

What was the most important and “best day” of your life?
The best and most important day of my life was not just getting accepted to Berklee College of Music but also figuring out how to afford and be able to attend the school. Because I got the opportunity to go there and made it happen for myself to be there, I met my bandmates and formed American Authors.

What are your limits?
I won’t hurt others in anyway.

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
Flying, tight rope walking between two super high buildings, stand-up comedy, rap project, deep sea diver, astronaut…

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into? What lessons did you learn from that experience?
I’ve found myself in more trouble with past relationships and my parents than the law. I guess what I’ve taken from those incidents was to show those people more respect. Things always work out better when there is a level of mutual respect between both parties.

Choose between money, power, love or fame, which one will you go for and why?
I guess the obvious choice would have to be power, right? If you have power then hopefully you’d be able to obtain the rest…except maybe love….you might just get stuck with fake love which is a drag. [Smiles.]

What else do you know about your Filipino fans? We can’t wait for you to tour here!
I know I have dreamt of traveling to the Philippines since I was young. I had Filipino friends growing up and they were amazing people so I’m really looking forward to getting over there and meeting all our fans.

What is American Author’s career goal and what kind of legacy would you and the band like to leave?
We want to write the best songs we can that we love performing and hope that others can connect with the music and lyrics. We want to be a career band that is known for their entire discography and not just a handful of singles here and there.

Thank you very much for your time man. Is there anything else you would like to say?
Have fun! [Smiles.]

Press Photos courtesy of AMERICAN AUTHORS / Thanks: ISLAND RECORDS and MIKE POLANS

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